Woohoo! You are moments away from becoming a conversion for us! We love conversions! This means we are tracking this page, looking at what other pages you went to on our website, measuring the time you spend on this page, and flagging you as a conversion if you fill out the below form. We will then study how you landed on our website, where you came from, see what you typed into the search engine to find us and check to see if you came from a social channel. This will have an impact on our future marketing efforts as well as prompt you to be queued in our lead tracking software for immediate follow up. We will then haunt you with emails, check to see when you opened our emails, call you within 30 seconds of opening any email from us, and display banner ads in front of you online until you have never-ending dreams about our brand.
Woops! Did we say that out loud?
Clearly our sense of humor is skewed as a result of our marketing obsession. In all seriousness, we have a sincere passion about our clients and take their success personally. When you succeed, as your marketing firm, we also succeed. In this sense, we are business partners and here at R&S Marketing we take that very seriously.